Thursday, October 18, 2012

Check It Out: New Grant Opportunity!

Grant Name:  Mathematics Course Work Scholarships for Grades PreK-5 Teachers

Funded by:  The Dale Seymour Fund and NCTM
Description:  The purpose of this grant is to provide financial support for improving teachers’ understanding of mathematics by completing course work in mathematics. For 2013–2014, scholarships with a maximum of $2,000 each will be awarded to persons currently teaching at the grades PreK–5 level. Primary emphasis is placed on appropriate mathematics content courses. Mathematics education courses may also qualify if a suitable rationale is furnished by the applicant. Proposals must address the following: rationale for the coursework, anticipated instructional improvements and expected impact on student learning outcomes.

Program Areas:  General Education, Math

Recipients:  Public School

Proposal Deadline:  11/9/12

Average Amount:  $1,000.00 - $2,000.00


Availability:  All States


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