Friday, October 16, 2009

Check It Out! Grant Opportunity

Grant Name: AeroGrow Growing Kids Awards

Funded by: National Gardening Association

Description: The AeroGarden is an innovative solution for bringing gardening activities into the classroom. The AeroGrow Growing Kids Awards, sponsored by AeroGrow International, Inc., will provide 300 educators nationwide with this useful, hands-on tool to enrich and enhance the study of nutrition and life science in the classroom. This award is open to K-6 classrooms in the United States with a minimum of 15 students who plan to use indoor gardens to teach nutrition and life science. This year 300 schools will be selected to receive an AeroGrow Growing Kids Award. Each winning program will receive: an AeroGarden Classic valued at $150 and an AeroGrow Salad Greens Seed Kit.

Program Areas: Health/PE, Science/Environment

Recipients: Public School, Private/Charter School

Proposal Deadline: 10/24/09

Amount: $150.00


Availability: All States