Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Check it Out: Grant Opportunity!

Grant Name: Charter Schools Program (CSP) Grants for National Leadership Activities

Funded by: U.S. Department of Education

Description: The purpose of the CSP is to increase national understanding of the charter school model and to expand the number of high-quality charter schools available to students across the Nation by providing financial assistance for the planning, program design, and initial implementation of charter schools, and to evaluate the effects of charter schools, including their effects on students, student academic achievement, staff, and parents. Section 5205 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, (ESEA) (20 U.S.C.7221d), authorizes the Secretary to award grants under the CSP to carry out national activities.

Program Areas: Facilities/Maintenance, General Education

Recipients: Public School, Private/Charter School

Proposal Deadline: 5/14/2010

Address: 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Room 4W225, Washington, DC 20202-5970

Telephone: 202-453-7698



Availability: All States


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Grants and awards are naturally made to the school. So it is vital that you search for grants that match the school’s needs. The school or district may previously be following grants. You can help review suggestions or find new sources. School districts used to hire a grant writer to help with this process. But those jobs are far and few between today. You will want to find out about your school’s resources so you can manage your efforts.
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